Golden Records Online API

Getting Started

The Golden Records Apps API exposes data for consumption in external applications. The API supports REST.

A GET request to an API end point returns table data in JSON, XML, or plain text. All requests must be accompanied by an authorization header.

Data cannot be rendered directly from the end points into a website or any other document. You may need a web developer to make best use of the API.


You will need an Authentication token.

All requests must be made with an authorization header in the form key = Authorization and value = {TOKEN}

Example: Authorization: X w4VGmVScKoNVKpiwsTW=....

Response Format

Data can be returned in JSON or XML format

The response format is controlled by sending an Accept header with value application/json or application/xml

Example: Accept: application/json


Paging is implemented with a maximum 1000 records per page. If no paging requirements are specified the first 1000 records will be returned. A header in the response will provide information of the total records volume and number of pages.


Throtting is enabled to limit requests to 1/second, 20/minute and 200/hour. Requests exceeding these limits will not be served. Caching of requests may be needed if data is used directly to serve web pages.

Detailed Instructions

More detailed information on the requirements of each end point and the format of the RESTful request can be found below:

Help Pages

Available End Points



Current Classifications

Club Records


Current Handicaps
